
Five Surprising Facts About Liposuction

Liposuction Is Not for Obese People

“Liposuction” is a medical term for the removal of fat. It is not a treatment for obesity of weight loss. In order to be considered a good candidate for liposuction, you ought to be within 30% of your ideal body weight. Liposuction can be great as it removes fat deposits that won’t responded to exercise and diet. This type of fat is more likely due to genetics than lifestyle. You really can blame your parents! To benefit from liposuction, it is important you are fit, active, and a non smoker. Discuss all expectations with your surgeon or doctor to make sure you fully understand and abide by them.

Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists Perform Most Liposuctions

According to the Food and Drug Administration, liposuction is most often performed by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. A plastic surgeon is specially trained in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery where as a dermatologist specializes in treating conditions of the skin, hair and nails. Since almost any doctor can offer liposuction without completing standardized training, it is best to ask around and do your research on the surgeon’s you see an opinion from. Don’t ever forget you are entitled to a second opinion; and a third or fourth if it makes you comfortable and educated.

Liposuction Works by Breaking Up Fat Deposits

The doctor makes tiny incisions in the skin and injects a saltwater-based numbing medication plus a medication to control bleeding before beginning the process of fat removal. This is called tumescent liposuction and it works by preventing excessive blood loss, bruising, and swelling. After this, the doctor will insert a hollow tube, or cannula, through the incisions, which is used to break up fat deposits. A small surgical vacuum or syringe is used to suck the fat out through the cannula.

Lasers Help Break Up the Fat

Thanks to advancements in liposuction, assisted liposuction with ultrasound or laser is now available. These techniques liquefy fat, making it easier to remove. This helps cut down on bruising and swelling therefore speeding recovery. Ultrasound liquefies fat with sound waves, through the cannula or the skin. The laser works by heating the fat to liquefy it; this allows for more areas to be treated at once.

It May Take a Few Months to See Your New Look

Everyone has seen before-and-after photos showing remarkable results, but it’s important to understand the results are not immediate. It is possible you may need to wear elastic bandages or compression garments after the procedure. These will help to reduce swelling, but you may have to wear them for days or weeks. Your doctor may even insert drains to remove any excess fluids. Again, it takes time to see the results and you may not see the final results for a few weeks to months. If you put on weight after liposuction then expect fat to appear in new and unpredictable places.